Available Commands

Command Description Module Cost Cost Type
!haha Nelson "Ha Ha!" Sounds Free
!woohoo Homer "Woohoo!" Sounds Free
!sweetcrap Homer "Sweet merciful crap!" Sounds Free
!hieverybody "Hi Everybody!" "Hi, Dr. Nick!" Sounds Free
!youreallnuts Homer "You're all nuts!" Sounds Free
!wantsomerye Return to Zork "Want some rye? 'course you do!" Sounds Free
!ohmyyes Technobabylon "Oh my yes!" Sounds Free
!milhouse "Everything's coming up Milhouse!" Sounds Free
!hint "Need a hint?" Sounds Free
!killthemall Crow "Kill them all and go on with our lives" Sounds Free
!cunningplan Crow "I have a cunning plan..." Sounds Free
!despair Crow "This is the end..." Sounds Free
!violence Crow "Violence is refreshing!" Sounds Free
!twist Crow "That's a twist that I didn't see coming!" Sounds Free
!sexyflanders "Stupid sexy Flanders!" Sounds Free
!badstuff "I have a feeling some bad stuff is about to go down!" Sounds Free
!bogeyman "Ahhhhh! Bogeyman!" Sounds Free
!nevertry Homer "You tried your best and failed miserably. The lesson is, never try." Sounds Free
!dillyofapickle Flanders "That's a dilly of a pickle!" Sounds Free
!kq6points The King's Quest 6 Points Sound Sounds Free
!awesome "Awesome! Awesome to the max!" Sounds Free
!idea "I have a idea! No, yeah, no....yeah!" Sounds Free
!excellent Burns "Excellent!" Sounds Free
!applause Applause Sound Sounds Free
!ilovegames Toonstruck "I love games!" Sounds Free
!suck Homer "You su-diddily-uck, Flanders!" Sounds Free
!learnding Ralph "I'm Learnding!" Sounds Free
!mmmm Homer "Mmmm.... Something." Sounds Free
!astro tacoadventure's Custom Sound Sounds Free
!kill finkleroy6's Custom Sound Sounds Free
!yikes Little Misfortune "Yikes Forever!" Sounds Free
!fancy Little Misfortune "Fancyyyy!" Sounds Free
!ohno Taco saying "Oh No!" Sounds Free
!yoink Yoink! Sounds Free
!haveataco RachWach says "Have you had a taco today?" Sounds Free
!turkey Turkey sound for Radical Castle Sounds Free
!award Homer "Why won't anybody give me an award?" Sounds Free
!greetings Darksiders Vulrim "Greetings" Sounds Free
!jetcar The car sound from Schmoozer Sounds Free
!stats Those are some awesome stats! Sounds Free
!smrt Homer "S-M-R-T!" Sounds Free
!fixit Fry "Fix it Fix it Fix it!" Sounds Free
!wahaha Taco "WaHAHAHAHAHA!" Sounds Free
!gamesucks Homer "This video game sucks!" Sounds Free
!borat Borat "Wa Wa Wee Wa" Sounds Free
!madman Bender "He's a madman... a madman!" Sounds Free
!dontmess Space Quest 4 Narrator "Don't miss with it!" Sounds Free
!save Grandpa Simpson "Death stalks you at every turn!" Sounds Free
!jank Taco saying "This game is jank!" Sounds Free
!scream Taco making a Wilhelm-like scream Sounds Free
!wilhelm The Wilhelm Scream Sounds Free
!koolaidman Kool-aid Man "Oh Yeah!" Sounds Free
!dukesucks Duke Nukem saying "This thing sucks!" Sounds Free
!overthink Taco says "Oh man! I think I've been way overthinking this!" Sounds Free
!george Taco saying "George!" Sounds Free
!scuttle Zoidberg "I've had it with this game! I'm going for a scuttle." Sounds Free
!homey karlriffic's Custom Sound Sounds Free
!mummy Taco says "I want my mummy." Sounds Free
!unstoppable kanonical_228's Custom Sound Sounds Free
!goons Hired Goons? Sounds Free
!100 Bart "I sure could go for 100 tacos right now!" Sounds Free
!bad Booing with Zoidberg saying "You're bad and you should feel bad" Sounds Free
!torso Todd "I'm a torso!" Sounds Free
!hans Hans Moleman "Drinking has ruined my life" Sounds Free
!dentalplan "Dental Plan!" "Lisa needs braces." Sounds Free
!nerd Homer shouting "Nerd!" Sounds Free
!furder Taco trying to pronounce some name Sounds Free
!meowmix Doctor Evil "singing" Meow Mix song. Sounds Free
!fightmusic Star Trek "Fight" Music Sounds Free
!jankified Taco "This game is jankified!" Sounds Free
!playagain "Would you like to play again?" "You have selected... No." Sounds Free
!alsobort "Are you talking to me?" "No, my son is also named Bort." Sounds Free
!notcheating Taco explaining that he is not cheating. Sounds Free
!withit Abe "It used to with it..." Sounds Free
!garbage Taco "That was garbage!" Sounds Free
!objection Phoenix Wright "Objection!" Sounds Free
!knightsnih "We are the knights who say Nih!" Sounds Free
!nih "Nih!" Sounds Free
!eckyecky "We are now the knights who say..." Sounds Free
!nihagain "We shall say Nih! again to you for you do not appease us." Sounds Free
!jankin Taco saying "Jankin'" Sounds Free
!sanctuary Homer yelling "Sanctuary!" Sounds Free
!isitporn Taco questions "Is it porn?" Sounds Free
!jerkstore The jerk store called and their running out of you! Sounds Free
!actingtalent Calculon yelling "Acting...Talent!" Sounds Free
!warning Warning about this program being frank and explicit! Sounds Free
!father "You! You're my Father!" Sounds Free
!hellhole "What a God Damn Hellhole!" Sounds Free
!yeahbaby "Yeah Baby!" Sounds Free
!fnc Fish and Chips (kind of) Sounds Free
!exterminate Daleks Sounds Free
!lobstah "Lobstah!" Sounds Free
!superhellhole "Goddamn Hellholllllllllllllllllllllle!" Sounds Free
!ohnobruce Bruce from Family Guy saying "Oh no!" Sounds Free
!murray Murray Laughing Sounds Free
!nicelava "Nice lava, isn't it?" for Escape from Monkey Island Sounds Free
!noodles "Chicken Noodles!" from Lucius III Sounds Free
!broadcasting Three Stooges "Broadcasting!" Sounds Free
!mortis Retro Text-to-Speech saying "Mortis!" Sounds Free
!scenesofviolence Monty Python Scenes of Violence Sounds Free
!interrupt Monty Python "We interrupt this program..." Sounds Free
!emb "I'm the Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight!" Sounds Free
!boombaby "Boom Baby Boom" Evil Midnight Bomber Sounds Free
!spam Spam spam spam Sounds Free
!nospam "I don't like spam!" Sounds Free
!dontwantspam "I don't want any spam." Sounds Free
!lovespam "I don't want any spam"..."I love it!" Sounds Free
!onion Abe Simpson onion style Sounds Free
!cheese Urkel "Got any cheese?" Sounds Free
!pepsi From Pepsiman "Pepsi for TV Game." Sounds Free
!doitlive Bill O'reilly "We'll do it live! F it!" Sounds Free
!thingsucks Bill O'reilly "F*ckin thing sucks!" Sounds Free
!hedoesnotknow Nimblonians discussing not knowing. Sounds Free
!nerds "Nerds!" in harmony Sounds Free
!pq2points Police Quest 2 Point Sound Sounds Free
!fppoints Freddy Pharka's Point Sound Sounds Free
!sq4points Space Quest 4 Points Sounds Sounds Free
!ll3points Leisure Suit Larry 3 Points Sound Sounds Free
!sq5points Space Quest 5 Points Sound Sounds Free
!qfg4points Quest for Glory 4 Points Sound Sounds Free
!gk1points Gabriel Knight 1 Point Sound Sounds Free
!kq7points King's Quest 7 Points Sound Sounds Free
!hqpoints Heroine's Quest Points Sound Sounds Free
!pq1points Police Quest 1 (VGA) Points Sound Sounds Free
!pq3points Police Quest 3 Points Sound Sounds Free
!kq4points King's Quest 4 Point Sound Sounds Free
!bfpoints Blue Force Points Sound Sounds Free
!discpoints Discworld Points Sound Sounds Free
!lb1points Laura Bow 1 Points Sound Sounds Free
!ljpoints Longest Journey Points Sound Sounds Free
!urbanpoints Urban Runner Points Sound Sounds Free
!goldpoints Gold Rush Points Sound Sounds Free
!nickbluepoints Dame with the Blue Chewed Shoe Evidence Sound Sounds Free
!sq1points Space Quest 1 VGA Points Sound Sounds Free
!unwrittenpoints The Book of Unwritten Tales Point Sound Sounds Free
!dropsypoints Dropsy Points Sound Sounds Free
!freakpoints Freakpocalypse Points Sound Sounds Free
!disc2points Discworld 2 Points Sound Sounds Free
!longbowpoints Conquests of the Longbow Points Sound Sounds Free
!qg3points Quest for Glory 3 Points Sound Sounds Free
!ll2points Leisure Suit Larry 2 Points Sound Sounds Free
!wafflespoints Inspector Waffles Point Sound Sounds Free
!backpackerpoints Backpacker Points Sound Sounds Free
!kq8points King's Quest 8 Points (Level Up) Sound Sounds Free
!enclosurepoints Enclosure Points Sound Sounds Free
!goodlifepoints The Good Life "Points" Sound Sounds Free
!azazelpoints Azazel's Christmas Fable Points Sound Sounds Free
!discnoirpoints Discworld Noir Points (Clue) Sound Sounds Free
!tidespoints Perfect Tides Point Sound Sounds Free
!pepperpoints Pepper's Adventures in Time Point Sound Sounds Free
!noraisin avg_goon's Custom Sound Sounds Free
!spiderpoison Homer "Spider Poison is People Poison?" Sounds Free
!3money Homer "Why can't I have no kids and three money?" Sounds Free
!space Tim Curry "Space!" from C&C Red Alert 3 Sounds Free
!upset Taco getting upset. Sounds Free
!colossalpoints Colossal Cave Points Sound Sounds Free
!peedrinks "Mmmm....peach rings" OR "pee drinks?" Sounds Free
!fart A Mess O Trouble "Fart" Sound Sounds Free
!shutupbravestar Tacos saying "Shut up Bravestar!" Sounds Free
!bees Abe Simpson Bees in Nickels Sounds Free
!skeletor Skeletor Laughing Sounds Free
!muted Homer "You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel." Sounds Free
!hotstuff Hot Stuff Coming Through! Sounds Free
!noctropolispoints Points sound for Noctropolis Sounds Free
!900 900 Dollary-Doos Sounds Free
!planet "I don't want to live on this planet anymore." Sounds Free
!takemoney "Shut up and take my money!" Sounds Free
!kyrandia2points Legend of Kyrandia 2 Points Sound Sounds Free
!maddogpoints Maddog Williams Point Sound Sounds Free
!tacoghost Taco sounds like a ghost moaning Sounds Free
!tunguskapoints Points sound from Secret Files: Tunguska Sounds Free
!dangeresruepoints Dangeresque Points Sound Sounds Free
!kaboom Kaboom! Sounds Free
!killpeople Ralph Wiggim: "I love you because you kill people." Sounds Free
!aceupmysleeve Homer "Don't worry, I've got an ace up my sleeve" HONK! Sounds Free
!abrewing stainsblue69's Custom Sound Sounds Free
!bigbrain "The big brain am winning again! I am the greetest!" Sounds Free
!work Rincewood saying "That doesn't work" Sounds Free
!merch Display information about getting official merchandise. Commands Free
!usetoken Get help on commands to use a taco token Commands Free
!discord Display the link to the discord invitation URL in chat. Commands Free
!tacotuesday Display information about Taco Tuesday giveaway Commands Free
!mellow Display information about the Mellow Fellows team. Commands Free
!gamelist Display link to the official game information Commands Free
!lurk Put yourself in lurk mode (which does nothing). Commands Free
!extralife Display link to the Extra Life URL in chat. Commands Free
!addtacos Add 500 tacos to a game in the voting queue (once per game per hour) Commands 500 Tacos
!uptime Display stream uptime in chat Commands Free
!gamble Roll the dice for a chance to win big! A 100 wins the JACKPOT! Commands Free
!jackpot Display gambling jackpots Commands Free
!slots Take a chance at the slot machine and try to win BIG! Commands Free
!newgame Provide information on how to submit requests for games to get added to the game list. Commands Free
!steamlookup Search for a game on Steam and display information in chat. Commands Free
!fanatical Display link and information about Fanatical partner link in chat. Commands Free
!social Display social media information in chat Commands Free
!current Game description to chat Commands Free
!givetacos Give tacos to another user: !givetacos [user] [taco amount] Commands Free
!givetoken Give another user a taco token: !givetoken [user] Commands Free
!link Link a Discord account to a Twitch account Commands Free
!followage Display the amount of time you have been following the channel. Commands Free
!schedule Display TacoAdventure's normal streaming schedule Commands Free
!apogee Explain The Apogee Adventure Commands Free
!commands List Commands Commands Free
!find Find a game in the game list and print information about it. Commands Free
!refresh Refresh the user information from the database Commands Free
!leader Display the current incentive leader for the month Commands Free
!addquote Add a quote to the quote list (shortcut to !quote add) Commands Free
!pick Explain that this command is no longer required to pick games. Commands Free
!incentivepick Add a game to the Incentive Queue using an Incentive Queue Pick Commands 1 Incentive Queue Picks
!exchange Exchange a taco token for 5,000 tacos. Commands 1 Taco Tokens
!addbonusvotes Use a Taco Token to add 3 bonus votes at a game in the Voting or Incentive Queue. Commands 1 Taco Tokens
!guess Submit a guess when the guessing game is open. Commands Free
!addvote Add a bonus vote to the current open poll during final voting. Commands 500 Tacos
!lastleader Show the previous incentive leader Commands Free
!nextvideo Go to the next video during the "Starting Soon" screen. Commands Free
!ohyeah Koolaid Man explodes through wall and yells "Oh Yeah!" Commands Free
!help Provide a link to the command list Commands Free
!undotacos Undo an !addtacos action from the last 30 minutes using numerical option Commands Free
!getrep Commands Free
!charlie Commands Free
!charity Display Charity Donation Link Commands Free
!incentiveexchange Exchange 12 Taco Tokens for an Incentive Pick Commands 12 Taco Tokens
!inventory Manage your complete fake and made-up stream inventory Commands Free
!punchlenny Commands Free
!removeauto Commands Free
!votingqueue Print the link to the voting queue in the chat Commands Free
!points Play a random adventure game point sound Commands Free
!use Use an inventory item (that I'm also using in the current game that I'm playing) and get 2,500 tacos! Commands Free
!roll Commands Free
!trailer Get the name and URL of the current trailer. Commands Free
!dosember Explain DOSember Commands Free
!gettz Commands Free
!testautos Commands Free
!playtrailer Add the game to the trailer queue Commands Free
!helper Commands Free
!tacos Display your current tacos stash in chat. Loyalty Free
!tokens Display your current taco tokens stash in chat. Loyalty Free
!rafflepicks Display your current raffle picks stash in chat. Loyalty Free
!incentivepicks Display your current incentive queue picks stash in chat. Loyalty Free
!timeguess Register your vote in the poll for Time Guess for King's Quest: The Silver Lining. Time Guess Free
!vote Register your vote in the poll for Modern Queue [Game #433]. Game Poll Free
!tacofact Interact with the list "Taco Facts" List Free
!quote Interact with the list "Quote" List Free